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“A life of hospitality begins in worship, with a recognition of God's grace and generosity. Hospitality is not first a duty and responsibility; it is first a response of love and gratitude for God's love and welcome to us.”

Christine Pohl

Dear Morehead Family,

We have great news! The SPRC has hired Mrs. Alicia Shaw to work as our new Office Administrator beginning on August 1, 2022. Alicia is coming to us with great skill sets and experience working with churches and administration. She sees her administrative work as her ministry, and we are so excited to receive from her gifts and service as we share in ministry with her. Alicia’s office hours will be 9am-2pm, Monday-Thursdays.

Alicia Shaw grew up in Indianapolis, and loves to watch racing. She has been in vocational ministry since 1990. She moved to High Point in 2000 to work as a children’s director. When she has free time, she likes to relax by the ocean or a lake. As we welcome Alicia in, I also want to recognize and give thanks to Christy Elkins for stepping up to help with administrative needs in the church during the interim period.

Over these past several weeks, I have appreciated receiving a warm welcome from you all, the disciples of Jesus who make up Morehead UMC. You all are in a season of offering quite a bit of hospitality. You are welcoming myself and Paul Freeman into pastoral ministry with you, you are welcoming the new dynamic of partnering with St. Timothy’s UMC, and now, you are welcoming a new office administrator onto the staff as well!

There are a lot of new faces. Sometime new faces bring energy and excitement, and sometimes new faces can bring anxiety and uncertainty. All those feelings are valid amid new seasons and people. Whatever you may be feeling, new faces are also an opportunity to practice hospitality. Hospitality is more than just throwing a good dinner party; it is a spiritual practice. In the gospel of Matthew chapter 25 Jesus says that whenever we welcome a stranger, we welcome him. And so, hospitality is an opportunity to see the face of Christ in the stranger, to welcome the new person in as if they were Jesus himself.

Let’s continue to practice Christian hospitality as we welcome Alicia in next Monday, and as Pastor Paul preaches at Morehead for the first time on August 7th. If you would like to write a card for either of them, we will have a basket to collect those in the Narthex this Sunday. You can also send any cards to the church office.

I am grateful that I get to walk alongside you all as we follow Jesus and live as a community of radical hospitality.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Nikki Raye

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