Last Sunday, Pastor Paul preached about how we remember the past and what it means for cutting a path forward into the future. He said that answering the question “Where are we going tomorrow?…might, in reality, be the best memorial we could make.” This Sunday as we celebrate Welcome Weekend, we will have a combined 10am worship service themed on History and Hope (followed by a potluck, yay!).
What a long story of love, worship, and discipleship we come from here at Morehead UMC. On Tuesday, Pastor Paul joined Bob and Sue Sawyer and Renee Dixon in visiting the old building for Joyner Memorial UMC, a congregation that merged with Morehead UMC in 1970. One of the products of that merger was the building of our current sanctuary. The walls and roof that shelter us every Sunday morning, that our singing voices echo from, that we now live stream out into homes far and wide, that sanctuary was built brick by brick from a leap of faith between two congregations around 50 years ago! Amazing.
It gives me hope and encouragement for our future, for the leaps of faith God is and will be calling us to as we live into our unique partnership with St. Timothy’s UMC and as we pray about faithful mission in our current times. I’ve never been much of a history buff, but here lately, I have been inspired by looking back into your communal story, Morehead UMC. And from learning and remembering some of your history, I am beyond honored that I get to ask with you, “where are we going tomorrow?”
What hopes are coming up for you in your life right now? Personally, and for our church? How might a look back at God’s faithfulness in your story give you hope?
Don’t forget that we have an outdoor movie showing of “Luca” on Friday night, some ice-cream and games will start at 7 and the movie will start at sunset. We have a Fall Festival this Saturday from 2-5, invite your friends, family, and neighbors! We have our combined worship service on Sunday at 10am that will be filled with tidbits of history, wonderful music, a reflection on John 15, and followed by a potluck. Then at 7pm on Sunday at College Place UMC, you are invited to join other regional Reconciling groups for a community worship service! At every event this coming weekend, we will be collecting food items for Spartan Open Pantry. Let’s really bless Spartan Open Pantry this weekend!
with joy and hope,
Pastor Nikki Raye
P.S. check out this wonderful photo of Sue, Bob, and Renee inside the original building of Joyner Memorial!