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Laity Sunday October 16th

Dear Morehead Family,

Each year The United Methodist Church celebrates the ministry and witness of laypersons everywhere through a special day called Laity Sunday. “Laity” or “Lay Person” are the terms to describe you, those Christians who serve in the church but are not ordained clergy. Laity Sunday is a time for church members of all ages to prayerfully consider their own unique callings. In worship we celebrate God’s grace in and through the ministry of all Christians. It is observed on the third Sunday of October, which is October 16th.

In the United Methodist Church, we have a strong tradition of celebrating laity, celebrating you! In the early days of American Methodism, the laity served and maintained congregations between visits of the circuit riders, the ordained clergy who could only come around occasionally. Today, you all, the lay people of Morehead UMC, are the front line of daily ministry in your homes, schools, workplaces, and in the community.

One common way to observe Laity Sunday is by having lay persons lead all parts of the worship service. This year Kayden Poole will be offering the sermon, let’s pray for Kayden as he prepares! If you would be interested in participating in the service, please reach out to me at by October 10th. We have several places in the service still open and would love to plug you in!

Another way to connect to calling right now is to join in Pastor Paul’s Jonah study on Tuesday nights at 6:30. They are exploring what calling looks like through the story of Jonah.

I want to say to each of you, thank you! Thank you for the many varied ways that you serve and minister as Christians. What an honor it is that Pastor Paul and I get to walk with you in discipleship and shared mission. I am very much looking forward to celebrating Laity Sunday with you all on the 16th!


Pastor Nikki Raye

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